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tus Node.js server 1.0.0: new packages, rewritten in TypeScript, and much more

Published on by Merlijn Vos

The Node.js tus server has been revived and is now officially semver stable! It has been completely rewritten in TypeScript and was split into separate packages. There is a new system for events and hooks, as well as elaborate docs with examples. And those are just a few of the many fixes and features that we will dive into below.

What is tus?

tus is an HTTP-based protocol for resumable file uploads. Resumable means that an upload can be picked up again at any moment, after it was interrupted for whatever reason, without the need to re-upload the previous data. An interruption may happen on purpose, if the user wants to pause, or by accident in case of a network issue or server outage (or your cat deciding to take a nap on the keyboard).

The developers behind tus are currently working together with the influential HTTP working group inside the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) – the internet standards-setting organization that defines the network protocols powering the entire internet – to make resumable uploads an official standard across the web.

tus-node-server is an official implementation of the tus resumable upload protocol. It is capable of accepting uploads of all sorts and sizes, and storing them locally on disk, or remotely on Google Cloud Storage or AWS S3 (or any other S3-compatible storage system). Due to its modularization and extensibility, support for nearly any other cloud provider could easily be added.


The Node.js tus server, tus-node-server, was originally published by @bhstahl in May 2016. As with many open source projects, not everyone has the time to maintain things for free in their own time and as such, tus-node-server was more or less abandoned at the end of 2018.

In 2021, @acconut, @mitjap, and others sprung some life into the server again by upgrading dependencies and adding a few essential features that were missing. However, there was still a lot of work ahead before the server could be considered stable and on par with the protocol specification.

At the start of 2023, Transloadit graciously allowed me (@murderlon) to work on the server on company time. This, together with the help of contributors, kick-started the effort towards 1.0.0.

The new major release

After a long beta phase, the new major is now ready.

Here is an overview of the features and fixes that were implemented since work was resumed in 2023, up until today’s 1.0.0 release.

Split packages under the @tus scope

For modularity and to signal the official packages, the server has been split into separate packages under the @tus scope:


At a glance

Let’s look at an example of the new packages and some of the features from an integration perspective. We will use the @tus/server and @tus/s3-store packages.

const { Server, EVENTS } = require('@tus/server')
const { S3Store } = require('@tus/s3-store')
// ...

const host = ''
const port = 1080
const datastore = new S3Store({
  s3ClientConfig: {
    bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET,
    region: process.env.AWS_REGION,
    // Alternative auth methods now also supported
    credentials: new aws.ECSCredentials({
      httpOptions: { timeout: 5000 },
      maxRetries: 10,
const server = new Server({
  path: '/files',
  // New hooks
  async onIncomingRequest(req, res) {
   // we can use this for access control
  async onUploadCreate(req, res, upload) {
  // we can validate metadata here and reject the upload
  async onUploadFinish(req, res, upload) {
  // we can use this to do post-processing or
  // move the upload to a different bucket

// New events system
server.on(EVENTS.POST_CREATE, (req, res, upload => {})
server.on(EVENTS.POST_RECEIVE, (req, res, upload => {})
server.on(EVENTS.POST_FINISH, (req, res, upload => {})
server.on(EVENTS.POST_TERMINATE, (req, res, id => {})

server.listen({ host, port })


There are also examples showcasing how to integrate the server with Express, Koa, Fastify, and Next.js.

Still curious how to use hooks? There is also an example showing how to validate metadata and access control with (pseudo-code) JSON Web Tokens.

Bug fixes

What is next?

This major release focuses on stability, and getting the server and the stores production-ready.

Here are some of the features we are focusing on next:

Take the tus server for a spin (or try the demo) and let us know what you think!